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July 15, 2002
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Scripts & Humor: Gigasbolt ("K.C.") Editing & Art: Anberu ("Nick") Mental support for Anberu: Kojiro ("Lee")

Anberu Rants

As of this writing, the character page still isn't made. Oops. Maybe by the time this makes it to the internet, it will be.

This comic was originally almost twice as long. I broke it up into two strips. The second half will be Wednesday. Any comics as wordy as Friday's will be chopped up. Yay. 

We desperately need support. Not monetary, necessarily, though that would be nice. No, we need comments in our guestbook, comments in our journals, comments in our e-mail boxes. We do do this for free, so a little feedback, a little acknowledgement would be nice.

Remember to vote for us!

Coming soon:
Character Profiles
Keenspace version

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The Funny Papers!

Giga Rants

I hate you. That's right. I genuinely hate you. You know who you are. The fans who read this comic and don't give me feedback. Don't sign the guestbook, don't email. You do nothing. Why do you read a comic without doing anything to help make that comic better? Anybody have a good answer?

If this turns you off to the comic, sorry, but, well, I'm not a nice guy. Don't think I ever claimed to be. So get off your asses and email us, comment, sign guestbook, do something!

Anyway, about the actual comic. I think my writing styles getting a little better. I know that the last comic was a little wordy, but I'm working on it. The storyline, of which there isn't much, is moving along nicely. Shouldn't be too long now before I get everything in line, every character introduced.

...Watch Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law, Sealab 2021, The Brak Show, Mission Hill, and Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Support Adult Swim. Do it.

- "Ride the snake!" SNL, Jim Carrey

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