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July 19, 2002
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Scripts & Humor: Gigasbolt ("K.C.") Editing & Art: Anberu ("Nick") Mental support for Anberu: Kojiro ("Lee")

Anberu Rants

Ooh, feedbacks! Thanks to James White for signing the guestbook.

Life sucks right now. A week after moving to college, I have to drive home for an orthodontist appointment. It's a three-hour drive... And by now you should all know the crap I've put up with with my car.

I think I'm going to have a links page soon. Maybe.. right now?

I'm taking the calendars off of all the old pages. It's too much trouble to re-upload every single page each time I update. This should speed the creation of the Archive page.

Additionally, this comic is the first with an experimental new layout. So, which looks better: This style or the old style? Do you prefer an itty-bitty copyright line or a big color logo? Also, let me know if you add us to your favorites, your daily rotation of comics, etc. E-mail me or drop a note in my journal.

Remember to vote for us!

Coming soon:
Keenspace version (Maybe)

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Giga Rants

Well, it seems my hating people brings about results. So, I hate you all! Keep responding.

Had my first day on the job today. It was great. I love my job. Wow... Sounds funny to say, doesn't it? Oh well, it's a great job, I'm happy, blah blah.

Uhm... Bought Golden Boy on DVD. Golden Boy's a great anime, you have to buy it. It's hilarious. I am basically Kintaro Oe. I have never seen a character in an anime that matched me so perfectly. 

"The House of Finch, the House of Finch, watching porn in the House of Finch, watching porn until the morn', all in the House of Finch." - David Spade from Just Shoot Me.

So, uh... yeah. I like porn. Feel free to send me pr0n. I LOVE YOU ALL!

- "Ride the snake!" SNL, Jim Carrey

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