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September 1, 2002
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Scripts & Humor: Gigasbolt ("K.C.") Editing & Art: Anberu ("Nick") Mental support for Anberu: Kojiro ("Lee")

Miden? Who is this strange person, and why is the shadow different from the physical mass? What's with that wicked smirk?

Answers to these questions coming... in a long time. o.o;

This is the comic's two-month birthday. I realize August was marked by a disturbing lack of updates; I'm sorry. However, between the lack of support IFL receives and the amount of work involved in a 15-credit class load in college, plus a mandatory 25 hours of community service, it's hard to find the time and the will to work on this...

Regardless, I'm still working. I will continue to work until the few fans I know we have speak up and tell me to stop. When I don't have a script, I'll put up a sketch. Things like Miden here pop into my head a lot... That's all for now.

Visit our  Livejournal Community for rants. You don't want to miss possibly important information, do you?

What would convince people to donate? Would it be... awards per level of money reached, such as RPG World's donation setup? Or a special donator's only thing like 8-bit's? 

Let me know if you add us to your favorites, your daily rotation of comics, etc. E-mail me or drop a note in my journal.

Remember to vote for us!

Coming soon:
Keenspace version (Maybe)

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