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September 25, 2002
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Scripts & Humor: Gigasbolt ("K.C.") Editing & Art: Anberu ("Nick") Mental support for Anberu: Kojiro ("Lee")

Interlude, .gif format. Yes, I am sick. Not this sick, thankfully. Scanner is highly unreliable. I'm taking a vacation, actually, and doing little things like this to try and bring my muse back to life. Check the Livejournal for up-to-date information about the fate of the comic, including our upcoming move.

Visit our  Livejournal Community for rants. You don't want to miss possibly important information, do you?

What would convince people to donate? Would it be... awards per level of money reached, such as RPG World's donation setup? Or a special donator's only thing like 8-bit's? 

Let me know if you add us to your favorites, your daily rotation of comics, etc. E-mail me or drop a note in my journal.

Remember to vote for us!

Coming soon:
Keenspace version (Maybe)

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